CASCARA// Costa Rica// Hacienda Sorona

CASCARA// Costa Rica// Hacienda Sorona

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The word Cascara means skin, peel or shell in Spanish, and in the world of specialty coffee refers to the outer layer of a coffee cherry. You obtain it after the extraction of the coffee beans from the coffee cherry; it is the pulp that is sun-dried.

Brewing cascara is not unlike brewing tea- use 6g/100ml water (95-98℃), let it steep for 4-5 minutes and then strain. Tastes great also as an ice tea or works perfect as a syrup.

Region: Centrall Valley

Variety: Catuai, Caturra, Marsellesa, Sarchimor, SL28

Altitude: 1200-1300 masl 

Tasting Notes: Tamarind, Honey, Rosehip